Thirteen spinal cord injured men with erectile failure were evaluated for the effect of intracavernosal injection of the papaverine. Findings were as following; 1) Average age was 39.1 years old, the oldest was 52, the youngest was 29. 2) The level of SCI; 10 person(63.5%) had thoracic cord level, 3 person(36.5%) had lumbar cord level. 3) Average penile length was 9.6 cm and circumference was 8.4 cm before injection. After the injection, average penile length and circumference was increased to 10.9 cm and 12.5 cm. The average increase of penile size was 2.8 cm in length and 2.4 cm in circumference. 4) Onset of erection were on 1-3 minutes after injection. The maximal erection were 2-15minutes and the mean was 8.5 minutes. The dosage did not affect the onset of erection or the maximal erection time. 5) The mean duration of erection time was 26 minutes with injection of 7.5 mg, 68 minutes with injection of 15 mg and 143 minutes with injection of 30 mg. 6) There were no effect in 2 person and prolonged erection(priapism) in one person. 7) By increased dosage prolonged duration of the erection time was obtained but no significant change of penile size and maximal erection time was obtained. |