J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1999;23(4):733-743.
The Significance of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential in High-Risk Neonates.
Lee, Chyung Ki , Hwang, Jeong Hye , Kim, Jeong A
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ehwa Womans University College of Medicine.
고위험군 신생아에서 뇌간청각유발전위검사의 의의
이청기, 황정혜, 김정아
이화여자대학교 의과대학 재활의학과

To observe the prognostic value of brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) for prediction of cerebral palsy (CP) in the high-risk neonates.

Eighty-one high-risk neonates were subjected to take the history of illness, neurological examination, developmental assessment, BAEP study within one month after birth. They had been checked for detection and management of the CP in period of 12 to 56 months after birth. Associating factors were observed about their gestational age at birth, 1-minute Apgar score, history of asphyxia and/or intubation, and hyperbilirubinemia and/or exchange transfusion.

Abnormal BAEP findings were seen in 38 of 81 (46.9%) high-risk neonates and 6 of 81 (7.4%) were diagnosed as a CP. Five of 6 CPs and 42 of 75 non-CPs had been abnormal in BAEP study. Neonatal BAEP study showed 83.3% sensitivity, 44% specificity, 98.4% false positive and 2.9% false negative in predicting CP. Asphyxia showed high correlation with abnormality of BAEP and CP (p<0.01). Gestational age, low birth weight, toxemia, germinal matrix hemorrhage (GMH) grade II and intubation were correlated with CP (p<0.05) but not with the abnormality of BAEP.

It is suggested that BAEP study of high-risk neonate is useful in prediction of CP because of low false negative and high sensitivity.

Key Words: High-risk factors, Brainstem auditory evoked potential, Cerebral palsy


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