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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(2):16.
The Median Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials as Prognostic Factor in the Hemiplegic Patients
Seung Hyun Oh, M.D., Sun Mi Choi, M.D., Young Seom Kim, M.D. , Jin Lee, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju, Korea
편마비 환자의 예후추정 인자로서 정중신경 체성감각유발전위의 고찰
오승현, 최선미, 김영섬, 이진
전주예수병원 재활의학과

The somatosensory evoked potential(SEP) is an objective reproducible neurophysiologic measure of assessing the integrity of sensory pathways.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the values of the median nerve SEP as prognostic indicator of functional outcome after the stroke based on modified Barthel index(MBI), disability rating scale(DRS), and functional independence measure(FIM) scores. A sample is 68 patients with hemiplegia. The SEPs were classified into 3 groups based on wave patterns(no response, abnormal wave, normal wave).

The results were as follows:

1) The duration of rehabilitative treatment in group 3(normal SEP) was significantly shorter than the other groups.

2) The MBI scores in group 3 were significantly higher than the other groups.

3) The FIM scores in group 3 were significantly hihger than the other groups.

4) The self-care, mobility, locomotion, and social cognition scores in FIM in group 3 were significantly higher than the other groups.

Therefore, the study shows that the median nerve SEP is helpful to predict the functional prognosis among hemiplegic patients.

Key Words: Somatosensory evoked potentials, Hemiplegia, Prognosis, Outcome


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