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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(2):17.
The Significance of Somatosensory Evoked Potential as Prognostic Factor in Patients of Diffuse Axonal Injury
안재홍, 권용욱, 조종훈, 이규춘*, 김상범** Jae Hong Ahn, M.D., Yong Wook Kwon, M.D., Jong Hoon Cho, M.D., Kyu Chun Lee, M.D.* and Sang Beom Kim, M.D.**
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and *Department of Neurosurgery, dongguk University College of Medicine, **Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dong-A University College of Medicine
미만성 축삭손상 환자에서 체성감각 유발전위의 예후인자로서의 의의
동국대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 신경외과학교실*, 동아대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실**

It is important to know the prognosis of patients with diffuse axonal injury for planning of rehabilitation program. This study was designed to evaluate the prognostic value of Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in patients with diffuse axonal injury.

Glasgow coma scale (GCS), Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) are categorized into two groups separately and brain computerized tomography (Brain CT) findings are classified into 6 categories.

We studied the correlation of the median nerve and posterior tibial nerve SEP and Glasgow coma scale (GCS), brain computerized tomogram (Brain CT) and Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) in 47 patients with diffuse axonal injury. The SEP findings that concerned are P1 latency and P1N1 amplitude were divided in 3 categories: no response (0), abnormal response (I), normal response (II).

The results were as follows:

1) SEP had a good correlation with GCS and brain CT.

2) Normal findings of SEP study had good prognosis.

3) SEP had a good correlation with GOS.

Thus, SEP were help to predict the outcome in acute stage and during the course of diffuse axonal injured patients rather than brain computerized tomography on admission.

4) Follow-up study of SEP were more valuable prognostic factor in diffuse axonal injured patients.

Key Words: Diffuse axonal injury, Somatosensory evoked potential, Prognostic value


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