The Changes of Motor Evoked Potential and Silent Period after Electrical Stimulation in Stroke Patients. |
Han, Soo Jeong , Lee, Jeong eun , Yoon, Tae Sik |
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Korea. 2Seoul Cham Hospital, Korea. |
뇌졸중 환자에서 전기자극 후 운동유발전위와 무반응기의 변화 |
한수정, 이정은1, 윤태식 |
이화여자대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1서울참병원 재활의학과 |
Abstract |
Obejctive: This study was proposed to evaluate the electrophysiologic changes in motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and silent period after paraspinal electrical stimulation near caudal area of the spinal cord in stroke patients. Method Electrical stimulation was applied to T12 paraspinal area using interferential current therapy (80∼100 Hz) in 18 stroke patients. The amplitude and latency of cortical motor evoked potential and duration of silent period were measured before and after the electrical stimulation. Results The amplitude of MEPs in affected side was lowcompared with unaffected side. The duration of silent period was variable in affected side. The duration of silent period was increased after the electrical stimulation in stroke patients (p<0.05). Changes of the amplitude and latency of MEPs were not significant. Conclusion These results mean that the central inhibitory mechanism affecting the silent period is activated by a certain electrical stimulation near caudal area of the spinal cord in stroke patients. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2006; 30: 219-224) |
Key Words:
Electrical stimulation, Motor evoked potential, Silent period, Stroke |