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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(2):4.
Functional Evaluation of Aphasia in the Stroke Patients
Min Ho Chun, M.D., Byung Gyu Joo, M.D. , Sang Bae Ha, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine
뇌졸중 환자에서의 실어증의 기능적 평가
전민호, 주병규, 하상배
울산의대 서울중앙병원 재활의학과

This study has been designed to investigate the clinical applicability and usefulness of the Korean CADL (Communicative Abilities in Daily Living) in evaluating the functional language abilities and to assess the characteristics of the aphasic patients after stroke.

Twenty stroke patients with aphasia were involved in this study and the results were as follows.

1) Each categorical scores and total CADL scores of aphasic patients were significantly lower than those of normal controls.

2) Total CADL scores of aphasic patients were highly correlated with total scores of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE).

3) Total CADL scores of normal controls were not significantly different in both sexes, but in aphasic patients those of males were significantly higher than those of females. And expressive aphasia was more common in men; global and receptive aphasics were somewhat more common in women than men.

4) Expressive aphasics tended to be younger than global and receptive aphasics.

5) Scores of CADL & BDAE were high in order of anomic, expressive, receptive, and global aphasia.

Our conclusion is that this Korean CADL appeared to be a valid and reliable method to measure the functional communicative abilities of the aphasic patients after stroke.

Key Words: CADL, BDAE, Aphasia, Stroke, Evaluation, CADL, BDAE


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