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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(1):1.
Rehabilitation of Head Injury Patients, the Importance of Cognitive Therapy
Jae Ook Park, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Keimyung University
뇌 손상 환자의 재활 -인지치료의 중요성-
계명대학교 의과대학 재활의학과교실

Impairments resulting from ever increasing head injuries are affecting the injured individuals greatly with significant physical and functional limitations in their activities of daily living. Not only physical deficits but also psychological and cognitive deficits are affecting their functional independence as an individual.

It is widely known that there are significantly more young aged patients who suffer from head injuries than the aged, and there are more males involved than females in head injury cases. About 50 % of all head injuries occur in the age group of 15 to 34 years according to a report.

Many of the head injured patients will demonstrate cognitive impairments, greater or lesser degree.

Modern, advanced medical technologies made it possible to detect easily the extent and location of the lesions and also made useful in predicting the outcome. GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale) and PTA(Postraumatic Amnesia), VIQ(verbal IQ), PIQ(performance IQ) are also being utilized in predicting the outcome. However one needs to consider cognitive therapy as a possible therapeutic tool for the head injured patients beside the behavioral modification, psychological for neuropharmacologic remedies.

Key Words: Head injury, Cognitive impairments, Cognitive therapy


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