J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2009;33(2):177-185.
The Short Physical Performance Battery in Some Korean Rural Community.
Han, Seung Hoon , Kim, Seol Mim , Hong, Dae Jong , Choi, Bo Youl , Kim, Mi Jung , Park, Si Bog
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea. kimmjreh@hanyang.ac.kr
2Department of Preventive Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea.
한국 농촌 일부 지역에서 시행한 간단 신체 수행 검사
한양대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1예방의학교실
To investigate a characteristics of short physical performance battery (SPPB) in some Korean rural commu-nity and to obtain a preliminary data of SPPB in Korea.
A total of 488 persons aged 22 to 82 with no disability, interviewed and administered a SPPB and a balance test using Mediance. Subjects were divided into 3 groups with high (less than 6 points), medium (7 to 9 points) and low (10 to 12 points) risk groups according to SPPB score. Lower extremity performance was measured using SPPB including assessment of standing balance, a timed 4-m walk, and timed test of rising 5 times from a chair. Chronic condition were ascertained as self-report of past disease history. The relationship between general cha-racteristics of subjects, self-report of past history of disease, limb load asymmetry, postural sway and SPPB score were statistically analyzed.
In a multivariate analysis, older age, lower educa-tional background and high body fat mass were associated independently with poor performance. In a multivaria-teanalysis of subjects aged 60 or older, older age, lower educational background and history of hypertension were associated independently with poor performance.
These findings should be considered in planning specially tailored intervention for disability prevention in this subgroups. And this study provides the preliminary evidence that a SPPB is a useful tool in evaluating Korean elderly who are not disabled but have poor lower extremity performance. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2009; 33: 177-185)
Key Words: Elderly, Physical performance measure, Short physical performance battery


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