Effect of Spinal Decompression Therapy Compared with Intermittent Mechanical Traction in Lumbosacral Disc Herniation. |
Kim, Hee Sang , Yun, Dong Hwan , Huh, Ki Yun |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyung Hee University College of Medicine, Korea. ktgscorp@hotmail.com |
요추간판 탈출증에서 간헐적 견인치료와 척추 감압치료의 효과 |
김희상, 윤동환, 허기은 |
경희대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective To compare the effects of intermittent mechanical traction with spinal decompression therapy (SDT), using the newly introduced device DRX 3000Ⱂ, in patients suffering from low back pain associated with lumbosacral disc herniation documented on MRI. Method Thirty-five patients with low back pain with or without lower extremity radiating pain were prospectively enrolled in this study. They were all diagnosed with lumbosacral disc herniation according to physical examinations and MRI. Patients over age 60 years or those with previous spinal surgery, spondylolisthesis, severe osteoporosis, rheumatic diseases, hypertension, and other serious medical problems were excluded. Patients were randomly assigned to intermittent mechanical traction group (15 patients) or SDT group (20 patients) and compared visual analog pain scale (VAS) pre- and post-treatment. Results There was a significant improvement in VAS in SDT group compared to intermittent mechanical traction group. The mean reduction in VAS for intermittent mechanical traction group equaled 1.93±0.83 (from 6.4±1.28 to 4.5±1.22) while the mean reduction in VAS in SDT group equaled 4.35±2.21 (from 6.9±1.86 to 2.6±1.43) (p=0.0006). Conclusion Spinal decompression therapy can be used as an effective treatment for discogenic low back pain without serious complications. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2008; 32: 319-323) |
Key Words:
Spinal decompression therapy (SDT), Intermittent mechanical traction, Lumbosacral disc herniation, Visual analog pain scale (VAS) |