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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(2):10.
A Study of Electrodiagnostic Sensitivity for Diagnosis of Diabetic Neuropathy
Il Yung Lee, M.D., Ueon Woo Rah, M.D., Hae Won Moon, M.D., Shin Young Yim, M.D., Ji Chan Chang, M.D., Min Sun Song, M.D., Hyun Man Kim, M.D.* , Yoon Suk Chung, M.D.*
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Endocrinology*, Ajou University School of Medicine
당뇨병성 신경병증의 전기 진단학적 검사의 민감도에 관한 고찰
이일영, 나은우, 문혜원, 임신영, 장지찬, 송민선, 김현만*, 정윤석*
아주대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 내분비내과학교실*

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most frequent peripheral neuropathies, which result in many serious clinical problems. The purpose of this study is to find the most sensitive electrodiagnostic examination method for the early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy, and to investigate the correlations between elecrodiagnostic findings and clinical factors such as age, sex, Body Mass Index (BMI), duration of diabetes mellitus, HbA1C level, and other diabetic complications. Seventy-four diabetic patients were examined with peripheral nerve conduction (NCS), F-wave and sympathetic skin response (SSR) studies. The average age of the patients was 53.0±12.7 years, and average duration of diabetic mellitus was 8.0±6.4 years. Sixty-seven patients had suffered from peripheral or autonomic neuropathic symptoms and 29 patients had suffered from other diabetic complications. Forty-five patients (60.8%) among 74 showed abnormal findings in NCS. In F-wave study, 24 patients (33.8%) among 71 had abnormal findings, and 49 patients (66.8%) among 74 were found to have abnormal findings in SSR study. The duration of diabetes mellitus and BMI had significant effect on the results of electrodiagnostic studies. Peripheral nerve conduction study was especially strongly affected by the duration of diabeties mellitus. In the group of patients with duration of diabetes mellitus less than 5 years, the frequency of abnormal findings was higher with SSR than with NCS. This findings can suggest that autonomic nervous system could be involved earlier than the peripheral nervous system in diabetic neuropathy.

In conclusion, peripheral nerve conduction and sympathetic skin response studies are the sensitive electrodiagnostic method for detection of diabetic neuropathy in early stage.

Key Words: Diabetic neuropathy, Electrodiagnosis, Nerve conduction study, F-wave, Sympathetic skin response


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