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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1995;19(3):18.
The MMPI Characteristics of Low Back and Cervical Pain Patients
Hyang Goo Kim, M.A., Joong Son Chon, M.D., Sae Il Chun, M.D., Chang Il Park, M.D. , Min Young Kim, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
요통 및 경통환자들의 MMPI 특성
김향구*, 전중선, 전세일, 박창일, 김민영
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 재활병원 심리치료실*

This study attempted to identify the psychological characteristics of low back and cervical pain patients. The demographic data, pain related variables, medical diagnosis, MMPI scores, compensation status, psychiatric consultation variables of 100 patients were analysed. Total patients were classified into four clusters. Cluster 1 was regarded as normal. Cluster 2 was characterized by elevation on Hs, D, Hy and is so called `depressives' profile. Cluster 3 was characterized by elevation on Hs, Hy and is so called `conversion V' profile. Cluster 4 was, like Cluster 1, within normal limit but generally more elevated than cluster 1. Patients with complaints of both lumbar and cervical pain were significantly more distributed in cluster 2, 3. Patients who were in compensation status and took psychiatric consultation were also significantly more distributed in cluster 2, 3. So cluster 2, 3 patients may be in need of psychotherapy in order to improve pain treatment outcome. The result of this study suggest that MMPI cluster subtypes is valid and useful to intervention of pain patient's rehabilitation.

Key Words: Low back &, cervical pain, MMPI, Psychology, Rehabilitation


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