J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1990;14(1):6.
Results of Postural Reactions of 199 Infants -who had complain of delayed development-
Yong-Pal Ahn, M.D. , Shung-Sik Chun, M.D.*
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Catholic University Medical College, *Department of Pediatrics, Catholic University Medical College
발달 지연을 호소했던 영아들의 자세 반응 진찰 결과
안용팔, 전정식*
가톨릭의과대학 재활의학과학교실, *소아과학교실

Diagnostic approach method using postural reactions after Bojta was intorduced to Korea in early 1980' through Kinderzentrum München in West Germany. But the most of data about postural reactions came from outside of Korea.

Authors analyzed the results of examination using postural reactions on 199 infants who had complain of delayed development.

were as follows:

1) Nearly half of infants (43.2%) were recognized by parents before 6 months of corrected age.

2) Many infants had risk factors of low or high birth weight and premature or postmaturity (21.5%, 18.0% respectively). This tendency was prominent in the group of 4∼7 abnormal postural reactions.

3) Proportion of infants who need observation of treatment according to Vojta's criteria were 17.1%, 36.2% respectively.

4) The most frequent abnormal postural reaction was Vojta reaction (65.3%).

5) Frequent pathological reflexes were hand grasping, supurapubic stretch, crossed extension, and Galant reflex in order.

6) Frequent accompanied diseases in neonatal period were neonatal jaundice requiring exchange transfusion, neonatal seigare, sepsis, congenital anomalies, hypoxia, and respiratory distress syndrome.

Key Words: Postural reactions, Infants, Delayed development


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