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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1986;10(1):7.
Median Sensory Nerve Conduction Study at the Palm in the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Sae Yoon Kang, M.D., In Hyeong Yu, M.D., , Mi Kyoung Lee, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea
수근관증후군에서 수장부에서 측정한 정중신경피지전도검사
강세윤, 유인형, 이미경
가톨릭의대부속 강남성모병원 재활의학과학교실

Carpal tunnel syndrome was the most common entrapment neuropathy with numbness and tingling of the fingers as well as weakness and atrophy of the thenar muscle. The carpal tunnel syndrome has been extensively studied electrophysiologically. When testing a patient for this syndrome. it is customary to measure the sensory latency of the median nerve from the digit to the wrist. More recently, methods have been described to determine the conduction time in the segment across the carpal tunnel. So we compared the diagnostic accuracy of hthis method to that of conventional electrodiagnostic methods.

In this study, an electrodiagnostic study of the carpal tunnel syndrome ws done by the authors from March 1985 to January 1986. Thus we performed the nerve conduction study of the median sensory nerve at index finger and palm upon 56 hands of 34 patients with clinically suspected carpal tunnel syndrome, aged from 25 to 70 years old. Then we compared these results with normal value of our laboratory.

The results were as follows;

1) The median sensory distal latencies measured at index were more than 3.7 msec or not detectable in 92.9%.

2) The median sensory distal latencies across the carpal tunnel were more than 1.7 msec or not detectable in 96.4%.

3) As the duration of syndrome became longer, sensory distal latency was more prolonged.

4) The amplitude of the median sensory verve was decreased to 50% of normal value or below it in index and across the carpal tunnel.

5) Above results imply us this method(measurement of latency of median sensory across the carpal tunnel) is a clinically sensitive technique for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Key Words: Sensory nerve conduction, Palm, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Median nerve, Electromyography


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