J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2001;25(4):589-593.
Change of Dynamic Gastrocnemius Length after the Block of Spastic Gastrocnemius Muscle in Cerebral Palsy.
Bang, Moon Suk , Chung, Sun Gun , Kim, Sang Jun
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
경직성 뇌성마비 환아들의 비복근 차단술 후 동적 비복근 길이의 변화
방문석, 정선근, 김상준
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

To evaluate the clinical utility of the dynamic gastrocnemius length, calculated with gait analysis after phenol or botulinum toxin block in spastic cerebral palsy.

Gastrocnemius muscles were injected with phenol or botulinum toxin. Kinematic gait parameters including dynamic gastrocnemius length were surveyed with 3-dimensional gait analysis system before and after the procedure.

The dynamic gastrocnemius lengths improved significantly after block of calf muscles, except 3 cases which showed severe genu recurvatum. The vertical displacement of the center of gravities and the maximal ankle dorsiflexion angles after the block were not significantly different from those before the block.

Dynamic gastrocnemius length calculated with gait analysis can be used as a tool to determine the efficacy of spastic calf muscle block, in the absence of severe genu recurvatum. In case of associated severe genu recurvatum, other parameters may be substituted.

Key Words: Dynamic gastrocnemius length, Spastic cerebral palsy, Botulinum toxin, Phenol, Block


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