J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003;27(2):220-223.
No Response Rates of Sensory Nerve Conduction Studies and Late Responses in Lower Limbs of Heathy Adults.
Kim, Kyeong Tae , Kim, Koo , An, Jae Doo , Kim, Moo Kyum
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dong-Eui Hospital, Korea. oukims@chol.net
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chang-Won General Hospital, Korea.
정상성인에서 하지 감각신경 전도검사 및 지연반응의 무반응률
김경태, 김구, 안재두, 김무겸1
동의병원 재활의학과, 1창원병원 재활의학과
The purpose of this study was to determine no response rates of sensory nerve conduction studies and late responses in the lower limbs of healthy adults.

The subjects were 50 healthy adults (mean age, 45.6 years) without the clinical signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. All subjects underwent electrodiagnostic evaluation of the following sensory nerves in lower limbs: superficial peroneal, sural, proximal sural, lateral dorsal cutaneous branch of sural nerve (LDSN), and medial plantar. Examined late responses included: tibial F-wave, peroneal F-wave, and H-reflex recorded from the soleus muscle.

No response rates of sensory nerve conduction studies such as superficial peroneal, sural, proximal sural, LDSN, and medial plantar nerves were 2%, 0%, 0%, 24%, and 18%, respectively. No response rates of late responses such as tibial F-wave, peroneal F-wave, and H-reflex were 0%, 2%, and 8%, respectively. And no response rates were significantly correlated with age (p<0.05).

No response rate of sensory and late responses of lower limbs are relevant to age increments, the results should be considered for an early diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy in the lower limbs of old population. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2003; 27: 220-223)

Key Words: No response rate, Sensory nerve conduction study, Late response


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