J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003;27(2):265-268.
Recognition Survey of Radiation Exposure Risk for Physiatrist.
Ko, Hyun Yoon , Kwon, Dong Rak , Moon, Ha Noon
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Pusan National University College of Medicine, Korea. myjenny@kebi.com
재활의학과 의사에서 방사선 피폭 위험에 대한 인식도 조사
고현윤, 권동락, 문하눈
부산대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실
To investigate recognition of radiation hazard by physiatrists involving in procedure under the roentgen environment.

We did the recognition survey using 12-item self administrated questionnaire over 2 months in 2001. The questionnaires were sent to 613 physiatrists. Eighty-eight physiatrists of the 613 completed the questionnaires.

Eighty-three of 88 completed the questionnaires were performing their procedure under roentgen environment. The mean procedure time per week was 2.1 hours. Their common procedures doing under roentgen environment were as follows: swallowing videofluoroscopic study (60.2%), voiding cystourethrography (49.3%), arthrography (37.3%), epidurography 25.3%, and so on. 8.5 % of the 83 physiatric interventionists wore the radiation dosimeter and received regular assessment of radiation safety. 62.7% of the participants were wearing one piece apron, and 24.1% wore one piece apron and thyroid shield. Of the radiation related symptoms, fatigue was most common.

We concluded that the special concern and education program to reduce radiation risk are required because of gradual increase of radiation exposure for physiatrists and lack about recognition of radiation exposure. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2003; 27: 265-268)

Key Words: Physiatrist, Radiation exposure risk, Questionnaire
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