J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003;27(6):958-963.
Kinematic and Kinetic Characteristics of Gait in Unilateral Below-Knee Amputees.
Kim, Shin Do , Lee, Seung Hwa , Kang, Eun Cheol , Ryu, Chung Ho , Pyun, Sung Bom
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Korea Veterans Hospital, Korea.
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea. rmpyun@amc.seoul.kr
편측 하퇴 절단 환자의 보행에서 보이는 운동 형상학적 및 운동 역학적 특징
김신도, 이승화, 강은철, 류청호, 편성범1
서울보훈병원 재활의학과, 1울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 재활의학과
Objective: To quantify characteristic gait pattern in below- knee amputees using kinematic and kinetic parameters and to compare those with sound limbs and control group.

Method: Three dimensional gait analysis was performed in 19 unilateral below-knee amputees and 20 controls. Measured gait parameters were temporal parameters and kinematic and kinetic parameters at hip, knee and ankle joints. Gait parameters obtained from amputated limbs were compared with those of sound limbs and control group.

: There were no significant differences in temporal parameters among 3 limbs. In amputated limbs, degree of knee flexion and knee extension moment in stance phase were less than sound limbs and control group. In addition, timing of peak knee extension moment occurred later. Also, timing of ankle plantar flexion in loading response and preswing phase occured later, and degree of ankle plantar flexion in preswing phase were less in amputated limbs compared to other limbs. Peak plantar flexion moment in amputated limbs were less than sound limbs, but not than control group.

Conclusion: This study suggested that most significant gait abnormalities in unilateral below-knee amputees were observed at the knee and ankle joint in amputated limbs. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2003; 27: 958-963)

Key Words: Gait analysis, Below-knee amputee, Kinematic parameter, Kinetic parameter


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