J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2005;29(6):557-562.
Swallowing Pattern according to Controlled Food Viscosity in Patients with Brain Lesion.
Bae, Hasuk , Park, Chang Il , Jang, Ji Hoon , Song, Wonu , Kim, Sung Min , Jeong, Jae Hun
1Department and Research Institute of Rehabilitation, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea. doctorjjh@dreamwiz.com
2School of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, Kunkuk University, Korea.
3Pulmuone R & D Center, Korea.
뇌병변이 있는 환자에서 조절된 음식 농도에 따른 연하양상
배하석, 박창일, 장지훈, 송원우, 김성민1, 정재훈2
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 재활의학연구소, 1건국대학교 의과대학 의공학부, 2풀무원 기술연구소
The response of the pharyngeal phase during swallowing is influenced by various factors including viscosity, shape, firmness, fracturability, and cohesive power. These factors affect the pharyngeal phase simultaneously, but little research has been conducted into their individual effects on the pharyngeal phase. This study investigated the relationship between controlled viscosity and pharyngeal transit time (PTT).
The subjects were 81 patients with naso-gastric tube due to brain dysfunction. PTT was assessed by video- esophageal fluoroscopy and the viscosity of the processed starch by Brookfield viscometer. High viscosity was defined as a controlled viscosity of 12% and 9%, medium viscosityas a controlled viscosity of 7.5%, 6%, and 4.5%, and low viscosity as a controlled viscosity of 3%, 1.5%, and 0% (liquid viscosity).
PTT was prolonged with increasing viscosity in the experimental group. There were no significant differences between PTT of the experimental and control groups at any viscosity. Aspiration prevalence was 1.85%, 7.82%, and 22.22% in the high, medium, and low viscosity groups, respectively, and the three prevalences showed significant differences.
PTT showed a tendency to be prolonged with increasing food viscosity in the experimental group. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2005; 29: 557-562)
Key Words: Pharyngeal transit time, Swallowing, Video-esophageal fluoroscope, Controlled viscosity


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