J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2005;29(6):578-583.
Evaluation of Exercise Efficiency with Change in Oxygen Uptake and Work Rate in Stroke Patients.
Yoon, Tae Sik , Lee, Chyung Ki , Kim, Jung Yeun , Jang, Byung Hong
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Korea. freshai@medimail.co.kr
일률과 산소 소모량의 변화값을 이용한 뇌졸중 환자의 운동효율성 평가
윤태식, 이청기, 김정연, 장병홍
이화여자대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실
To evaluate exercise capacity of subacute stroke patients with nonambulatory exercise stress test and to determine whether reduced exercise efficiency is associated with functional performance.
Experimental design was prospective and observational study. Eighteen patients with moderate to severe impairment after recent stroke performed exercise stress test by repeated knee flexion and extension exercise using isokinetic dynamometer. Work rate, oxygen consumption, heart rate were assessed during exercise stress test. The dynamic response, the ratio of change in oxygen uptake to change in work rate, was measured for correlation with FIM (Functional Independence Measure) scores. Occupational therapist recorded FIM scores on the day of transfer to inpatient rehabilitation unit and on discharge. Age-matched healthy group also performed exercise stress test in same settings.
The patients group who had similar dynamic response with age-matched healthy group showed higher FIM scores than the patients group having higher dynamic response.
Nonambulatory exercise stress test could be effectively used in subacute stroke patients and the ratio of change in oxygen uptake to change in work rate was a useful variable to reveal low exercise efficiency in subacute stroke patients who had a abnormal skeletal muscle metabolic capacity. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2005; 29: 578-583)
Key Words: Stroke, Exercise stress test, Skeletal muscle metabolic capacity


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