Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine




Case Report
J Korean Acad Rehabil Med. 1995;19:32.
Spinal Cord Injury due to Osteochondromatosis -Case report-

One of the most common benign tumors of bone is the osteochondroma. These

tumors are usually found at the ends of the long bone of the extremities, but they may also arise from any part of the skeletal system such as bones of the jaw, skull, hand, foot and so on. The vertebral column is rarely a site for these lesions.

The following unusual case of osteochondroma arising from the thoracic spine exhibited the signs and symptoms of spastic T5 incomplete paraplegia(ASIA impariment scale, D) due to compression of the thoracic spinal cord.

Keywords :Osteochondromatosis, Spinal cord injury

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