Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine




Original Article
J Korean Acad Rehabil Med. 1988;12:21.
Study on the Relationship between Gestational History and Neonatal State and Disability Types in Cerebral Palsied Children

Cerebral palsy is the commonly used name for a group of conditions characterized by motor dysfunction due to non-progressive brain damage developed during pregnancy, at labor or after birth.

The authors analysed the problems of gestational history and neonatal state of 120 cerebral palsied children, 85 males and 35 females.

The results were as follows.

1) Frequencies of the each type were athetoid in 49.2%, spantic in 39.2%, mixed in 8.3%, ataxic in 3.3%

2) Problems of gestational history or neonatal state were found in 72.5% of the cerebral palsied.

3) Gestational period was below than 37 weeks in 31.7% of the cerebral palsied, and birth weight is below than 2.5 kg in 29% of cerebral palsied.

4) The frequencies of low birth-weight and prematurity were higher in spantic diparesis than athetoid type, and there were statistical significance in difference(p<0.05).

5) Severe jaundice were experienced by 18.3% the cerebral palsied, first crying wan delayed in 37. 7% of the cerebral palsied, neonaltal convulsion wan developed in 35% of the cerebral palsied, but there were no statical significance in difference between each type.

Keywords :Relationship, Gestational history, Disability, Cerebral palsy, Neonatal state

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