Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine




Original Article
J Korean Acad Rehabil Med. 1991;15(2):48-55.
Evaluation of disabled patients with 10 ADLs.
Kueon, Soon Ho , Lee, Bang Hoon , Lee, Kang Mok

10ADLs evaluation was done on 64 patients with CVA (cerebrovascular accident), TBI (traumatic brain injury) or SCI (spinal cord injury) during the period 1 May 1988 through 1 May 1991.

10ADLs as a disabled patients evaluation tool was introduced previousely1).

Following results were obtained:

1) Number of patients in each group were 24 for CVA, 27 for TBI and 13 for SCI (Table 2). The average age was 50.4 years for CVA, 33.7 years for TBI and 41.6 years for SCI. Man was predomint in all 3 group (Table 1)

2) The average improvement score in each group was 6.5 in CVA, 6.4 in TBI and 3.2 in SCI (Table 2).

3) There was significant correlation between ADL improvement and duration of the rehabilitation treatment in all 3 groups.

4) There was no significant correlation between ADL improvement and motivation of the patients in all 3 groups.

5) There was correlation between ADL improvement and how early the initiation of rehabilitation treatment from onset of the illness or injury in TBI group but no significant correlation in CVA and SCI in this study.

6) The improvement was seen all area of ADL in all 3 groups except stair climbing and transfer activity in SCI group.

Keywords :ADL evaluation, Disablity

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