Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine




Original Article
J Korean Acad Rehabil Med. 2003;27(2):245-249.
The Usefulness of Ultrasonographic Evaluation in the Tendinitis.
Park, Gi young , Kim, Hyun ree , Lee, Sung moon
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Korea.
2Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Korea.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness of ultrasonographic evaluation in the tendinitis.

Method: 52 tendinitis cases were evaluated by physical examination, Cyriax selective tension technique, simple X-ray and the high-resolution realtime ultrasonography. And clinical diagnosis of tendinitis was confirmed when symptom was relieved after the local lidocain injection to suspected site of tendinitis. The ultasonographic results were compared to clinical diagnosis and ultrasonographic findings were investigated.

Results: The distribution of clinical tendinitis was as follows; 15 extensor carpi radialis tendinitis, 12 supraspinatus tendinitis, 9 subscapular tendinitis and etc. Clinical diagnosis was matched with ultrasonographic results in 38 cases out of 52 (73.1%). The ultrasonographic findings of tendinitis were as follows; 31 hypoechogenicity, 14 thickening, 13 hypervascularity, 12 irregular margin and etc.

Conclusion: The ultrasonography is useful in diagnosis of tendinitis and can provide the exact lesion site of tendinitis. Also it can be used for differential diagnosis of acute or chronic tendinitis. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2003; 27: 245-249)

Keywords :Ultrasonography, Tendinitis, Hypoechogenicity

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