Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine




Original Article
J Korean Acad Rehabil Med. 2004;28(4):366-370.
Change in Skin Temperature according to Distance of Spraying Cold-jet Stream.
Han, Sang Jin , Lee, Kyu Hoon , Kim, Mi Jung , Park, Si Bog
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea.
To examine the effects of changing the distance of spraying cold-jet stream (CS) on pain threshold and skin temperature. Method: Twenty one volunteers were examined. ⁣30oC cold-air was applied from 5 cm and 10 cm away to the skin of the right wrist. The following parameters were taken to measure the efficiency of the application: the cooling time for the subject to express pain (1st period), the rewarming time for skin temperature to rise to 20oC at room temperature (2nd period), the re-cooling time again (3rd period), 4th, 5th and 6th time again.Results: Skin temperature that subjects expressed pain was significantly at 10 cm distance than 5 cm. The rewarming speed of skin temperature was slower and slower according to repeat cold-air therapy in two groups. But there is no difference of rewarming time between 10 cm distance and 5 cm. Conclusion: There was no difference in rewarming time between 10 cm and 5 cm, hence, applying CS from 5 cm distance for a short period of time would be the more efficient method in terms of time-saving. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2004; 28: 366-370)

Keywords :Cold-jet stream, Distance, Cryotherapy, Skin temperature

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