Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine




Original Article
J Korean Acad Rehabil Med. 2007;31(6):689-693.
The Utility of 6 cm Segmental NCS in Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow.
Lim, Gyu Nam , Park, Young Sook , Woo, Kyoung Bong , Ryu, Dae Gul , Kim, Woo Jin , Chung, Seung Hyun , Lee, Yong Taek
1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Masan Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.
2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Cancer Center, Korea.
3Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Korea.
To verify the efficacy of 6cm segmental nerve conduction study in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE). Method: Ulnar nerve conduction studies were performed unilaterally in twenty five asymptomatic healthy adult volunteers and twenty five symptomatic patients with UNE. Twenty five symptomatic patients with UNE were diagnosed by standard ulnar nerve conduction studies, and needle EMG study. In the same healthy controls and patients groups, 6 cm and 10 cm segmental study were then performed at the elbow. The sensitivity and specificity of 6 cm segmental study were compared with those of 10 cm segmental study in these patients. Results: The sensitivity and specificity came out to be 76% and 92% for the 6 cm segmental study and, 52% and 96% for the 10 cm segmental study. Conclusion: The sensitivity of 6 cm segmental NCS was much higher compared with 10 cm segmental NCS, whereas the specificity was similar in both tests. For screening of the UNE, 6 cm segmental NCS seems to be a more efficacious test. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2007; 31: 689-693)

Keywords :Electromyography, Ulnar nerve, Ulnar neuropathies

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