Traumatic brain injury occurs with high frequency and is the leading of brain damage in previously healthy young people. Persisting disability after traumatic brain damage usually comprised both mental and physical handicap. Cognitive, intellectual, and emotional problems also appear to be more persistent and social and vocational disablities than physical disabilities. The clinical observation was made with 50 cases which had organic brain syndrome after traumatic brain injury and investigated the cognitive and emotional disturbance of patients with lateralized and localized cerebral lesions by KWIS(Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale) and MMPI(Minnnesota Mutltiphasic Personality Inventory). The results were as follows: 1) Eighteen cases(36%) were in their 4th decade and the males were more frequent than the females. 2) The most common cause of traumatic brain injury was traffic accident(88%). 3) The most common type of traumatic bain injury was intracranial hematoma. 4) The organic brain syndrome was more frequent in operative subjects. 5) The most common area of traumatic brain injury were temporal(26%) and frontal(22%) and frontotemporal(16%). 6) The clinical manifestation of organic brain syndrome were memory disturbance (88%), headache(68%), dizzness(68%), anxiousness(56%), disorientation(50%), insomnia (48%), nervousness(48%). The result of this study suggest that the earlier diagnosis and recognition of organic brain syndrome could reduce psychiatric symptoms. In KWIS and MMPI, left brain damaged groups showed mainly verbal dysfunction and tendency for thought disturbance. |