J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1990;14(2):28.
Electrodiagnostic Study in Cisplatin-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Jin Ho Kim, M.D., Hee Suk Shin, M.D., Noe Kyoung Kim, M.D.*, Dae Seog Heo, M.D.*, , Won Ki Kang, M.D.*
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, *Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Cisplatin치료에 의한 말초신경병변증 환자에 있어서의 전기진단검사 소견
김진호, 신희석, 김노경*, 허대석*, 강원기*
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, *서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

Motor and sensory nerve conduction study was done in 19 patients who showed neurologic symptom after cisplatin chemotherapy, and we concluded as follow;

1) The onset of neurologic syptom was about 4.3 months ranging 1.5 to 8 months after initial chemotherapy.

2) Mean cisplatin dose at symptom onset was 406.8±318.1 mg.

3) Sensory symptom, such as tingling and numbness, was present in all 19 patients.

4) Motor symptom was not remarkable, but 1 patients showed hand weakness.

5) Sensory examination was abnormal in 11 patients, especially for vibration sensation.

6) Deep tendon reflex was hyporeflexic in 10 patients.

7) Sensory nerve conduction study was abnormal in 10 patients, and motor nerve conduction was abnormal in 7 patients.

8) As a whole, the electrodiagnostic study was normal in 3 patients, motor neuropathy was seen in 1 case, sensory neuropathy in 7 cases, sensorymotor neuropathy in 4 cases. Only H-reflex was abnormal in 4 cases

9) There was statistical difference between normal and abnormal electrodiagnostic study group in the number of chemotherapy cycle, but no statistical difference in cisplatin dose at onset, cisplatin dose at study, duration of symptom.

Key Words: Cisplatin, Neurotoxicity, Electrodiagnosis


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