Brachial plexus injuries often present major problems of diagnosis and management, They commonly occur with trauma to multiple systems, Even in patients whose plexus Injuries are sole lesion, the resulting problems are multifaceted. The long and expensive recovery period makes accurate diagnosis and prognosis, as well as scrupulously relevent therapy, mandatory, Using present diagnostic aids, delay can be minimized and earlier treatment initiated, Electromyography, nerve conduction studies, contrast myelography, axon reflex testing and other electrodiagnostic studies, in conjunction with careful clinical evaluation, allow the physician to devise a specific plan of treatment within 3 to 4 months after injury. A retrospective analysis of 76 consecutive cases of brachial plexus injury (except birth trauma), seen from August 1998 to August 1990 in the department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Catholic University Medical College, was done, The results were as follows; 1) The sex distribution showed more involve in young men the women. 2) The mean age of brachial plexus injuries were 34.5 years old in male and 42.4 years old in female. 3) The causes of injury were traffic accident, contusion, fall down, idiopathic, unknown, post operation complication, occupational accident, stab wound in orders. Traffic accidents was consisted of pedestrian's TA, motor cycle rider's TA, diver's TA, cultivator driver's TA and others, in orders. 4) The site of lesion was trunk level in 32 cases, the most frequent lesion, root level in 29 cases, cord level in 20 cases, branch level in 4 cases and uncertain in 3 cases. 5) Peripheral nerve injury was combined in 40 cases (53%) with fracture, compartement syndrome, of degloving injury, except in 8 cases, The most frequent site of peripheral nerve injury was musculocutaneous or axillary nerve. 6) Sensory nerve conduciton was normal in 23 cases (79.4%), abnormal in 6 cases (20.6%), in root lesion, And normal in 22 cases (46.8%), abnormal in 25 cases (53.2%) below trunk level. |