J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1990;14(1):17.
A Study of Perceptual Function in Stroke Patients
Hee Cheong, M.D., Kyoung Ja Cho, M.D., Jung Bin Shin, M.D. , Ueon Woo Rah, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
뇌졸중환자의 지각기능에 대한 연구
정희, 조경자, 신정빈, 나은우
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Perceptual dysfuction following stroke causes a high proportion of failure in activites of daily living.

The authors have assessed perceptual function in 30 normal adults and 20 stroke patients. The degree of perceptual function of normal adults and patients and relationship between perceptual dysfunction and activities of daily living and cognitive function in stroke patients were investigated.

The results are as follows:

1) Among the twelve items of perceptual function tested in normal adults, maximum score was not obtained in 5 items, that is, finger agnosia, tactile agnosia, figure ground, form constancy and position in space.

2) Among items in the perceptual function, function in body scheme was decreased significantly for right hemiplegics and in left hemiplegics, decrease in function on spatial relations and unilateral neglect showed a significant difference when compared to right hemiplegics.

3) Among the perceptual function, the 4 items in spatial relations showed significant positive correlation with each other.

4) Dysfunction in perception was directly related to decrease in activities of daily living and dysfunction in cognition in stroke patients.

Key Words: Stroke, Perception


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