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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1988;12(2):16.
Effect of Position Changing and Abdominal Band on Pulmonary Function in the Cervical and Upper Thoracic Cord Injured
Sang-Un Lee, M.D. , Kang-Mok Lee, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical College, Hanyang University
경수 및 상부 흉수손상자의 자세 변화와 복대사용이 호흡에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
이상운, 이강목
한양대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Fifteen patients with cervical and high thoracic spinal cord injury underwent pulmonary function studies in two position: sitting and supine, and in sitting position under two circumstance, wearing a abdominal band or not.

The results obtained were as follows:

1) Vital capacity, tidal volume and inspiratory capacity were significantly improved in supine position in comparison with sitting position.

2) Vital capacity and expiratory reserve volume were significantly improved in sitting position in comparison with sitting position without abdominal band.

3) Forced vital capacity was significantly improved in supine and sitting position with abdominal bands in comparison with sitting position without abdominal band.

Key Words: Position change, Pulmonary function, Cervical cord injury, Abdominal band, Spinal cord injury


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