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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1988;12(2):2.
Isokinetic Evaluation of Shoulder Girdle Muscles in Frozen Shoulder
Jin Ho Kim, M.D., Tai Ryoon Han, M.D. , Sang Bum Kim, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
동결견에 있어서 견관절 주위근에 대한 등속성 운동 평가
김진호, 한태륜, 김상범
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The strength of shoulder girdle muscles and R.O.M was measured isokinetically in fourteen patients who had suffered from frozen shoulder. All patients were tested monthly for 3 months.

The results obtained were as follows:

1) The increase in range of motion was significant (p<0.05) in forward flexion after 2 months, in abduction after 1 month, in internal rotation after 2 months, but not significant in external rotation in 3 months.

Three months later, range of motion reached 89.3% of normal in forward flexion, 79.9% of normal in abduction, 69.4% of normal in internal rotation, and 51.3% of normal in external rotation.

2) In 60 degree per second, the increase in muscle strength was significant (p<0.05) in forward flexion after 2 months, in abduction after 1 month, in internal rotation after 2 months, and in external rotation after 3 months.

Three months later, muscle strength reached 92.9% of normal in forward flexion, 90.4% of normal in abduction, 88.2% of normal in internal rotation, and 67% of normal in external rotation.

3) In 180 degree per second, the increase in muscle srength was significant (p<0.05) in forward flexion after 2 months, in abduction after 3 months, in internal rotation after 1 month, and in external rotation after 2 months.

Three months later, muscle strength reached 93.3% of normal in forward flexion, 59.5% of normal in abduction, 88.2% of normal in internal rotation, and 67% of normal in external rotation.

4) In slow speed test, the correlation between peak torque and range of motion was not significant for external rotation up to 2 months, but after 2 months, the correlation between peak torque and range of motion was highly significant in all shoulder joint motion, thus increased strength of shoulder girdle muscles seemed to accompany range of motion and subjective relief of pain.

5) According to above data, fast speed isokinetic resistive exercise of abductor and external rotator after 2 months, combined with heat therapy and active range of motion exercise seemed to acquire good therapeutic result.

Key Words: Isokinetic, Shoulder girdle, Frozen shoulder, Evaluation, Cybex


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