J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1987;11(2):20.
Cases Report for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Myung-Ja Song, M.D., Yong-Sik Kim, M.D., Chang-Hee Kang, M.D. , Young-Ok Park, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Korea Veterans Hospital
Tarsal Tunnel 증후 증례 보고 -임상적, 전기진단적 소견 및 수술결과-
송명자, 김용식, 강창희, 박영옥
한국 보훈병원 재활의학과

In the tarsal tunnel syndrome, the posterior tibial nerve is entrapped beneath the flexor retinaculum and deep fascia along the medial border of the foot. This syndrome is not recognized as readily as its counterpart in the upper extremity, the carpal tunnel syndrome. 2 patients with tibial nerve compression were diagnosed by clinical findings and electromyography and had surgical decompression. Besides the tibial compression symptoms, they all complained the symptoms of peroneal compression before operation, In the first case, all the symptoms of tibial and peroneal neuropathies were subsided after surgical decompression, but more aggravated in the 2 nd case.

This paper will reports the clinical & electromyographic findings, and the surgical results.

Key Words: Tarsal tunnel syndrome, Posterior tibial nerve, Tibial nerve compression, Surgical decompression


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