J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1987;11(1):13.
Management of Neurogenic Bladder with Intermittent Catheterization and Pharmacotherapy
In-Sun Park, M.D. , Kang-Mok Lee, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Hanyang University
간헐적 도뇨법에 약물을 병용한 신경인성 방광의 치료
박인선, 이강목
한양대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Fifteen spinal cord injured patient with neurogenic bladder dysfunction were treated with intermittent catheterization and pharmacotherapy. Clinical approach of pharmacotherapy for neurovesical disorders is aimed to promote bladder emptying and storage.

Six patients showed neurogenic bladder dysfunction of detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. There of them were treated with pharmacological inhibition of the smooth sphincter and one patient was treated with pharmacological inhibition of both sphincters. Mean duration of bladder retraining of the 6 patients was 13.8 days with 100 percent succesful bladder retraining with 150cc of acceptable maximal residual urine volume.

Rest of patients showed incontinence. Eight of 9 patients were treated with pharmacological combination of inhibition of bladder contractility and increase of outlet resistence. One patient was treated with only pharmacological increase of outlet resistence. Mean duration of bladder retraining for incontinence was 11.5 days with good results.

Key Words: Neurogenic bladder, Intermittent catheterization, Pharmacotherapy, Spinal cord injury, Management


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