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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1986;10(2):14.
A Clinical Study on MMPI with the Patients of Chronic Pain
Jae Lim Koo, M.D., Youn Kyu Kang, M.D., Jin Sang Chung, M.D., Sei Joo Kim, M.D. , Chung Hie Oh, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University
만성 동통환자에 실시한 다면적 인성검사의 임상적 고찰
구재림, 강윤규, 정진상, 김세주, 오정희
고려대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Persistent pain is the most frequent complaint of patients, yet it is one of the most difficult symptoms to treat, because of complex nature. Psychological testing, especially using self administered forms, has become a more and more popular adjunct to diagnosis.

Twenty-eight chronic pain patients, 15 organic pain group and 13 functional pain group, have completed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI) and the results were as follows:

1) Mean MMPI t-score of Hypochondriasis was 62.0±12.0, that of Depression was 55.0±11.4, and that of Hysteria was 61.8;12.6. And those of other scales were within normal range near to 50.

2) There was no significant difference between male and female groups on MMPI scales.

3) The MMPI t-score of functional group was significantly higher than that of organic group on Hypochondriasis scale.

Key Words: MMPI, Chronic pain


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