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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1985;9(2):6.
Medial and Lateral Plantar Sensory Nerve Conduction in Healthy Korean
Eung Jin Lee, M.D., Tai Ryoon Han, M.D. , Jin Ho Kim, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
정상 한국인의 내측족척신경 및 외측족척신경의 감각전도속도에 관한 연구
이응진, 한태륜, 김진호
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The most common peripheral neuropathies have a predilection for sensory fibers in lower extremities. But, the SAP may not be acquired in ordinary method because the response is not consistent and variable. Using averaging technique requiring 32 stimuli, we recorded the sensory response in 30 normal subjects. The application of summation computers to the objective measurement of sensory function in the foot is eventually of diagnostic value in peripheral neuropathy, as yet time consuming and technically difficult.

The results were summarized as follow.

1) Thirty medial plantar nerves were studied. The mean value of conduction velocity was 31.95±4.23m/sec, that of distal latency was 6.26±0.57 msec, and that of amplitude was 3.99±1.26㎶.

3) There was significant difference in the conduction velocity and latency between medial and lateral plantar nerve.

Key Words: Plantar nerve, Sensory nerve conduction, Control, Medial plantar nerve, Lateral plantar nerve


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