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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1984;8(2):13.
A Case Report of Non-traumatic Paraplegia
Yang Gyun Lee, M.D., Kyung Sook Kang, M.D. , Kyung Hoi Ahn, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyung Hee University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Non-Traumatic Paraplegia 환자의 증례보고
이양균, 강경숙, 안경회
경희대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The etiology of non traumatic paraplegia varies. One case of paraplegia developed after a surgical procedure on the aorta. A case of paraplegia occurring subsegment to a aortogram procedure was seen by the author. A 33 year old man who complained of headache, nausea, and chest pain was admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine through the emergency room. An aortogram was done which was interpreted as coarctation of the aorta; and on next day, paraplegia with anesthesia below the T4 level developed. A patch-angioplasty was done, and the patient was transferred to the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. He was put on an in tensive rehabilitation program to develop independence in wheel chair activities and other A.D.L. He progressed to wheel chari ambulation but may further progress to standing and walking for short distances with assistive devices.

Key Words: Non-traumatic paraplegia, Paraplegia, Etiology, Coarctation of aorta


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