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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1984;8(1):11.
An Evaluation of Peripheral Nerve Injuries -920 cases for the causes-
Hyun Yoon Ko, M.D. , Kang-Mok Lee, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University Medical College
말초신경손상 920예에 대한 원인분석보고
고현윤, 이강목
한양대학교 의과대학 재활의학과

920 cases with peripheral nerve injuries those who were seen in Hanyang University Hospital EMG laboratory during a period January 1972 -October 1983 were evaluated for the causes.

This study revealed that the causes were traumatic, occupational and pathological factors locally or systemically. And many of them could be prevented if a certain caution was made.

3 nerves of upper extremity and 2 nerves of lower extremity those nerves most frequently affected were evaluated and the causes were discussed.

In 204 median nerve injuries evaluated (Table 1-1), laceration and penetration injuries was most common cause(51.5%) and the next common cause was compression and traction injuries (33.8%). The later group(69 cases) was evaluated again for the details. As table 1-2 shown the carpal tunnel syndrome was most frequent cause(76.8%) and 5 other various causes were encountered.

In 219 ulnar nerve injuries evaluated(table 2-1), laceration was most frequent(46.6$) and the next frequent causes were compression and traction injury(15.1%). The later group (33 cases) was evaluated again for the details. As the table 2-2 shown simple compression at the elbow was in 60.6% and 4 other causes were encountered.

In 162 radial nerve injuries evaluated(table 3-1), fracture of the humerus was the most frequent(37.0%), and the next frequent cause were compression and traction injuries(19.8%). The later group(32 cases) was evaluated again for the details. As the table 3-2 shown simple compression at the humerus was in 62.5% and 5 other causes were encountered.

In 303 peroneal nerve injuries evaluated(table 4-1), compression & traction injury and IM injection the gluteal region were the 2 most frequent causes(16.8%, 16.8%). The former group(51 cases) was evaluated again for the details. As the table 4-2 shown compression at the fibular neck was in 54.9% and 6 other causes encountered.

In tibial nerve injuries evaluated(table 5-1), IM injection injury was the most frequent causes(25.0%) and compression injury was in 9.4%. The later group(3 cases) was evaluated again for the details. As the table 5-2 shown massive edema of leg with CO intoxication in 66.6% and the other was due to a prolonged cramp of calf.

Key Words: Peripheral nerve injury, Median nerve, Tibial nerve, Cause, Incidence


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