The application of suction cup surface electrode in place of commonly used taped metal disc electrode has been investigated in the median motor nerve conduction study. We evaluated the differences of parameters (distal latency, duration, amplitude and area) of CMAP between the group using disc type and suction cup electrode alternatively as active recording, reference and ground electrode. The means of the distal latency (msec), duration (msec), amplitude (mV) and area (mVmsec) were 3.1, 14.1, 19.7, 64.2 in all disc electrode group, 3.1, 14.0, 19.8, 62.5 in group using suction cup electrode as ground, 3.1, 14.1, 19.4, 62.4 in suction cup as reference and ground, 3.1, 14.2, 19.7, 64.0 in suction cup as all three electrode. There was no statistically significant differences of the parameters of CMAP between the groups, therefore we concluded that the suction cup electrode could be used more comfortably and conveniently without any change of CAMP in the motor nerve conduction study. |