Visual Evoked Potentials in Premature Infants. |
Kim, Sei Joo , Song, Eun Beom , Lee, Myung Heun , Park, Yun Hyung , Lee, Byung Woo , Kim, Dong Whee , Lee, Eun Ha , Kim, Woo Sub , Na, Jin Kyung , Lee, Sang Heun , Hong, Young Suk , Cho, Young Jin |
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University. 2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University. 3Samyook Rehabilitation Hospital. |
영아의 시각 뇌유발전위 |
김세주, 송은범, 이명흔, 박윤형, 이병우, 김동휘, 이은하, 김우섭, 나진경, 이상헌, 홍영숙1, 조영진2 |
고려대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1소아과학교실 및 2삼육재활병원 |
Abstract |
Visual evoked potentials(VEPs) are the cerebral electrical activities recorded from the occipital scalp following a flash or pattern stimulation and can detect the lesions of sensory visual pathways. Although the VEPs change with the maturation of CNS in children, a few studies have documented the maturational changes in premature infants. Using the light- emitting diode goggles, VEPs were studied in 131 neurologically intact infants of 28∼41 weeks gestational age or 34∼59 weeks postmenstrual age. The VEPs were analysed by three waveforms; normal, abnormal, and flat, and four patterns; N300, P200-N300, P100-N155-P200-N300, and P100 pattern. Normal waveforms were 63 of 131 VEPs(48.1%). Of the normal waveforms, N300 patterns were 38.1%, P200-N300 36.5%, P100-N155-P200-N300 19.0%, and P100 6.4%. Each pattern correlated with the postmenstrual age. These findings support the hypothesis of VEP pattern changes according to the maturation of the visual system with age. |
Key Words:
Visual evoked potentials, Postmenstrual age, Cortical maturation |