J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(2):434-439.
Visual Evoked Potentials in Premature Infants.
Kim, Sei Joo , Song, Eun Beom , Lee, Myung Heun , Park, Yun Hyung , Lee, Byung Woo , Kim, Dong Whee , Lee, Eun Ha , Kim, Woo Sub , Na, Jin Kyung , Lee, Sang Heun , Hong, Young Suk , Cho, Young Jin
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University.
2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University.
3Samyook Rehabilitation Hospital.
영아의 시각 뇌유발전위
김세주, 송은범, 이명흔, 박윤형, 이병우, 김동휘, 이은하, 김우섭, 나진경, 이상헌, 홍영숙1, 조영진2
고려대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1소아과학교실 및 2삼육재활병원

Visual evoked potentials(VEPs) are the cerebral electrical activities recorded from the occipital scalp following a flash or pattern stimulation and can detect the lesions of sensory visual pathways. Although the VEPs change with the maturation of CNS in children, a few studies have documented the maturational changes in premature infants. Using the light- emitting diode goggles, VEPs were studied in 131 neurologically intact infants of 28∼41 weeks gestational age or 34∼59 weeks postmenstrual age.

The VEPs were analysed by three waveforms; normal, abnormal, and flat, and four patterns; N300, P200-N300, P100-N155-P200-N300, and P100 pattern. Normal waveforms were 63 of 131 VEPs(48.1%). Of the normal waveforms, N300 patterns were 38.1%, P200-N300 36.5%, P100-N155-P200-N300 19.0%, and P100 6.4%. Each pattern correlated with the postmenstrual age. These findings support the hypothesis of VEP pattern changes according to the maturation of the visual system with age.

Key Words: Visual evoked potentials, Postmenstrual age, Cortical maturation


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