J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(5):1005-1012.
A Survey of the Prevalence of Physically Disabled in the Community: Comparison of a key-person method with the census method.
Kim, Jong Chul , Choi, Ki Seob , Park, Si Bog , Lee, Sang Gun , Lee, Kang Mok , Shin, Young Jeon , Choi, Bo Youl
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
지역사회에서의 신체장애인 유병률 조사 ⁣핵심요원조사와 전수조사 비교⁣
김종철, 최기섭, 박시복, 이상건, 이강목, 신영전1, 최보율1
한양의대 재활의학교실, 1예방의학교실

To compare the efficiency of a key-person method with the census method on the prevalence of physically disabled.

The residents of K-myeon, A-kyun, Kyungido were surveyed in May 1996 with a census method and of D-myeon in August 1997 with a key-person method. The enlisted people in this survey included 2563 persons in D-myeon and 2138 persons in K-myeon on Identification Number.

The prevalences of the physically disabled were 2.61% of the population in D-myeon and 5.00% in K-myeon (chi-square test: P<0.500). When the physically disabled were divided into two groups (the severely disabled, group A and the mildly disabled, group B), the prevalences of group A was 1.91% in D-myeon and 2.15% in K-myeon (chi-square test: P>0.500). This result suggests that there is no meaningful difference in the prevalence of severely disabled between the two survey methods.

The key-person method is as effective as the census method to survey the prevalence of severely disabled in rural communities and requires a less cost and man power.

Key Words: Key-person method, Key-person method, Census method, Prevalence of physically disabled, Community-based rehabilitation


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