J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(5):1044-1048.
Postdischarge Change of Neurogenic Bladder Management Methods in Spinal Cord Injured Patients.
Lim, Jun Kyong , Choi, Young Sik , Park, Cheol Beom , Ryu, Sang Yeol , Yu, Hyun Joo , Cho, Kang Hee , Bang, Dug Young
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sun General Hospital.
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dae Jeon Jung Ang Hospital.
척수손상환자의 퇴원후 신경인성 방광 관리방식의 변화
임준경, 최영식, 박철범, 류상열, 유현주, 조강희, 방덕영1
대전 선병원 재활의학과, 1산재 대전 중앙병원

To evaluate the changes of bladder management methods after the discharge from hospital, and to identify the problems associated with their method changes of bladder management after the discharge.

The subjects of this study were 128 spinal cord injury patients with a neurogenic bladder dysfunction who were admitted to the hospital and received the neurogenic bladder management and training. We reviewed the medical records of these patients for the management methods of neurogenic bladder and interviewed the patients whether they are still using the same methods after the discharge.

The number of patients who were doing the intermittent catheterization at the time of discharge from hospital was markedly reduced after the discharge and most of the patients in this group have switched to the external collecting device method, using Cred, Valsalva or tapping method. The reasons of this change were that the intermittent catheterization method was not only difficulty and complicated but also restricted their social activities.

We concluded that a long term close follow up and continuous encouragement are very important in the management of neurogenic bladder patients who are discharged with the intermittent catheterization method.

Key Words: Spinal cord injury, Neurogenic bladder, Intermittent catheterization


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