Arthrographic Findings of Frozen Shoulder and Therapeutic Effect of Distension Arthrography. |
Choi, Eun Seok , Kim, Joon Sung , Lee, Yeon Soo , Shin, Byoung Soon , Ko, Young Jin , Park, Se Hun |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea. |
동결견 환자의 관절조영술 소견과 관절낭 팽창파열술의 효과 |
최은석, 김준성, 이연수1, 신병순, 고영진, 박세훈 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1방사선과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective To define arthrographic findings in patients with frozen shoulder and to evaluate the therapeutic effect of arthrographic capsular distension and rupture. Method Thirty patients who were clinically diagnosed as frozen shoulder were enrolled. During a trial of intra-articular injection of 35 mL of fluid which contained 8 mL of 1% lidocaine, 2 mL of prednisolone (80 mg) and 25 mL of radiocontrast material, arthrographic findings and the occurrence of iatrogenic capsular tear were observed. Passive range of shoulder motion (percent of normal, %) at flexion, abduction, internal rotation, and external rotation was measured at pre- and 1 week post-injection. The therapeutic effect of the procedure was statistically analyzed by paired Student's t-test. Results Mean age of the subjects was 57-years-old (range: 40∼76 years) and mean duration of the symptom was 6 months (2∼42 months). A decreased joint volume of less than 10 mL (100%), poor or absent filling of the axillary recess or subscapular bursa (75.9%), nonfill of the biceps tendon sheath (37.9%), and irregularity of capsular insertion (31.0%) were typical abnormal arthrographic findings. In one week after arthrographic distension and rupture, the passive range of shoulder motion was significantly (p<0.05) increased at flexion, abduction and external rotation, of which the range of external rotation was the most remarkably increased (mean, 23.9%). Conclusion Distension arthrography was useful for increasing shoulder motion in frozen shoulder, especially at flexion, abduction and external rotation. |
Key Words:
Frozen shoulder, Adhesive capsulitis, Distension arthrography, Infiltration brisement |