A Case Report of Infiltrative Polyneuropathy Associated with Lymphoma. |
Kim, Chang Hwan , Paik, Kyung Woo |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Korea. |
임파종에 동반된 침윤성 다발성 신경병증 증례 보고 |
김창환, 백경우 |
인하대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 |
Abstract |
Infiltrative polyneuropathy is an infrequent complication of lymphoma or leukemia. The polyneuropathy can occur in patients with known malignancy, but sometimes it has been initial manifestation of underlying disease. The diagnosis was usually made at autopsy, because more common causes of polyneuropathy were frequently considered during life and many cases showed negative results on sural nerve biopsy. We experienced a case of steroid responsive polyneuropathy due to infiltration of malignant T cell on peripheral nerves prior to lymph node biopsy. |
Key Words:
Polyneuropathy, Lymphoma |