J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2002;26(1):26-31.
Musculoskeletal Pain in Preadolescent Children.
Lee, Jongmin , Lim, Hyun Sul , Lee, Kyeong Woo , Kim, Jong Min
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dongguk University College of Medicine, Korea. kwlee65@hanmail.net
2Department of Preventive Medicine, Dongguk University College of Medicine, Korea.
3Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Miryang Hospital, Korea.
학령기 소아의 근골격계 통증
이종민, 임현술1, 이경우, 김종민2
동국대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 1예방의학교실, 2밀양병원 재활의학과

To investigate the prevalence and contributing factor of musculoskeletal pain in preadolescent children.

Four hundreds and four primary school students without history of trauma or serious medical conditions were investigated. Self-reported questionnaire and physical examination were done.

One-week and 1-year overall pain prevalence were 25.9% and 33.7%, respectively. Prevalence of wide spread pain (WSP) was 7.2% and that of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) was 7.9%. Prevalence of overall pain and MPS was

higher in the 6th grade students than the 4th grade. WSP was more frequent in girls than boys. Joint hypermobility, physical fitness, body mass index and life style including computer use, regular exercise and satisfaction to desk-chair did not affect pain prevalence.

Musculoskeletal pain was common in preadolescent children. Age and sex rather than physical state or life style seem to be the contributing factors to pain prev- alence. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2002; 26: 26-31)

Key Words: Wide spread pain, Musculoskeletal pain, Children, Myofascial pain syndrome, Wide spread pain, Prevalence


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