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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2005;29(6):630-634.
Suggestion of Safer and Easier Technique of Suprascapular Nerve Block based on Cadaver Study.
Hong, Hyun taek , Lee, Jong In , Lee, Won Il , Kim, Joon Sung , Sung, Nam Suk , Choi, Hang Joon , Won, Sun Jae , Ko, Young Jin
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea. yjko@catholic.ac.kr
쉽고 안전한 견갑상신경 차단술을 위한 해부학적 고찰
홍현택, 이종인, 이원일, 김준성, 성남석, 최항준, 원선재, 고영진
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실
To suggest a safer and easier technique of suprascapular nerve block by assessing anatomical relationship of the suprascapular notch from a view point of surface anatomy.
Fourteen shoulders of seven cadavers were dissected in prone position. The scapular notch was exposed and the articular branch of suprascapular nerve was observed. The length and depth of spine, height and relative position of scapular notch were measured for all of the specimen.
The length of the spine was 11.45⁑0.72 cm. The injection point was measured as relative position of scapular notch on the spine. The ratio between distance from medial border of the spine to injection point and from the injection point to posterior angle of acromion was 1.89⁑0.2:1. The depth of the spine, which was defined as the shortest vertical distance from the injection point to the scapula was 2.69⁑0.43 cm, and the vertical distance from this contact point to the base of the scapular notch, e.g. the height of the scapular notch, was 1.18⁑0.1 cm.
We expect we could perform suprascapular nerve block easily and safely with suggested surface landmarks and measured data in this study. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2005; 29: 630-634)
Key Words: Suprascapular nerve block, Surface anatomy, Cadaver study


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