Percutaneous Radiologic Gastrostomy in a Locked-in Syndrome Patient : A case report. |
Hong, Bo Young , Kim, Joon Sung , Kwon, Jeong Yi , Baik, Jun Hyun , Rhee, Won Ihl |
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea. 2Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea. |
감금증후군 환자에서 시행한 경피적 방사선 위조루술 증례 보고 |
홍보영, 김준성, 권정이, 백준현1, 이원일 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1방사선과학교실 |
Abstract |
Since being introduced by Gauderer et al. in 1980, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has proved to be a safe and effective procedure that has become a popular way to establish long term enteral feeding in situations where oral intake is not possible. Indications of PEG are broad, with a few exceptions such as total obstruction of pharynx or esophagus and poor transillumination conditions. In those cases, percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy (PRG) or surgical gastrostomy is feasible. We reported a case of percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy (PRG) in locked-in syndrome patient. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2006; 30: 670-673) |
Key Words:
Percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy, Locked-in syndrome, Dysphagia |