The Success Rate of Superior Approach Glenohumeral Injection in Patients with Frozen Shoulder. |
Kim, Joon Sung , Kwon, Jeong Yi , Jeung, In Suek , Rhee, Won Ihl , Im, Sun , Kim, Hyun Jin , Yoon, Sun Mi |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea. |
동결견 환자에서 상방 주입법을 사용한 관절강 내 주사요법의 정확도 |
김준성, 권정이, 정인숙, 이원일, 임선, 김현진, 윤선미 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective In treating patients with frozen shoulder, posterior and anterior approach glenohumeral injections are well known methods. But the accuracy of the above injection methods is low. In this study, we introduce the superior approach glenohumeral injection method and evaluate its success rate. Method Twenty six patients who were clinically diagnosed with frozen shoulder were enrolled. Patients received a superior approach glenohumeral injection of 1 cc radiographic contrast (UrografinⰒ, Schering, Germany). The success of superior approach was determined by radiography study of the shoulder joint taken after the injection. Results 24 of the 26 procedures (92.3%) were judged to be accurately placed by the radiography study and there was no significant complication after the superior approach intrarticular injection. Conclusion Superior approach glenohumeral injection in frozen shoulder showed the high success rate. We consider this superior approach as a very effective method. If the study for the interrater reliability is added, the superior approach will be considered to be a useful approach. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2007; 31: 37-40) |
Key Words:
Frozen shoulder, Superior approach, Accuracy, Glenohumeral injection |