Diagnostic Value of Pudendal Nerve Conduction Study and Relationship with Anal Manometry in Fecal Incontinence. |
Lee, Jung Min , Han, Soo Jeong , Sim, Eun Geol , Chung, Soon Sup , Yoon, Tae Sik |
1Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ewha Womans University, School of Medicine, Korea. ocrystal@ewha.ac.kr 2Department of General Surgery, Ewha Womans University, School of Medicine, Korea. |
변실금에서 음부신경전도검사의 진단적 가치와 항문압 검사와의 관계 |
이정민, 한수정, 심은결, 정순섭1, 윤태식 |
이화여자대학교 의학전문대학원 재활의학교실, 1일반외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of pudendal nerve terminal motor latency (PNTML) and the relationship with manometric profiles in patients with fecal incontinence. Method A total of 29 patients with fecal incontinence who visited colorectal clinic were recruited. The PNTMLs of 29 patients were compared with those of normal controls (2.03±0.39) using one-sample t test. Patients were classified into three groups according to pudendal nerve latency; Group I (normal latency, n=8), group II (unilaterally delayed latency, n=9), group III (bilaterally delayed latency, n=12) and compared with manometric parameters (mean maximal resting pressure, mean maximal squeezing pressure, 1st sense volume, urge sense volume, maximal tolerance volume). Results The PNTML is 3.83±2.19 in right side, 4.57±2.19 in left side which are significantly delayed in patients with fecal incontinence compare to that of normal controls, 2.03± 0.39. (p=0.031 in Rt., p=0.000 in Lt.) Among group I∼III, there were no statistically significant differences in the values of mean maximal resting pressure, mean maximal squeezing pressure, 1st sense volume, urge sense volume and maximal tolerance volume. There was no correlation between the PNTML and any of manometric parameters. Conclusion The PNTML is valuable in diagnosing patients with fecal incontinence. It is suggested that combined assessments are necessary to identify the cause of fecal incontinence. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2009; 33: 595-599) |
Key Words:
Fecal incontinence, Pudendal nerve motor terminal latency, Anal manometry |