J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1986;10(2):8.
A Study on the Standard Dimension of Wheelchair for the Korean Adult Disabled
Hea Kyung Lim, M.D. Jae Ho Moon, M.D. And Kyung Ja Cho, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
우리나라 장애자를 위한 표준형 차의자 규격에 관한 조사
임혜경, 문재호, 조경자
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The wheelchair is the adjuvant to rehabilitation of the disabled. Whenever a person has to spend much of his time in a wheelchair, an appropriate must be prescribed. Wheelchair should be fitted to each patient rather than fitting the patient to the wheelchair. Therefore a rehabilitation facility should have available sample chairs of different sizes with various special features including detachable armrests, detachable footrests, reclining backs, etc.

The authors have studied 120 Korean disabled adults who were wheelchair users and 466 normal adults as a control group in order to provide basic data for making standard wheelchairs for Korean disabled adults.

The results are as follows:

In the disabled group, 60% were paraplegia, 25.8% quadriplegia, 9.2% hemiplegia, 2.5% amputee with paraplegia and 2.5% were cerebral palsy.

All of the disabled adults in our study did not possess an appropriate wheelchair in terms of their disability and body size. There was a statistical significance between male and female body dimension measurements in the normal as well as in the disabled group(p<0.05). Standard dimensions included seat width 40.8 cm for Korean male adults; and seat width 40.1 cm, seat depth 43.3 cm, back height 37,8 cm, arm height 28.7 cm and seat height 44.6 cm for Korean female adults.

Key Words: Standard, Wheelchair, Korean adult, Disability, Dimension


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