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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1979;3(1):5.
Radiological Review of the Cervical Spine
Yak Woo Roh, M.D., Chung Gil Choi, M.D., Byoung Kee Kim, M.D. , Heun Jee Kim, M.D.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea
경추의 X-선학적 조사
노약우, 최정길, 김병기, 김헌지
가톨릭의과대학 정형외과학교실

The number of radiographic examination of the cervical spine has steadily increased over the past several years.

Their chief complaints were mainly nuchal pain, shoulder pain, pain in occipital region, sensory changes and motor disturbances in upper extremities.

In order to clarify the pathological changes in cervical spine films, we have reviewzed 445 cases with one of the above complaints who visited the orthopaedic clinics of St. Paul's hospital, St. Vincent's hospital, St. Mary's hospital and Our Lady of Mercy hospital during the period from March 1973 to February 1977.

Traumatic cases were excluded from this review;

The findings of the review were as follows;

1. There were 3 cases(0.7%) of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament.

2. There were 36 cases(8.1%) of calcification of the nuchal ligament and the favorite site was posterior aspect of the 5th cervical spinous process.

3. There were 74 cases(17%) of narrowing of the intervertebral disc spcace and the favorite site was the 5th cervical intervertebral disc space.

4. There were 210 cases(47%) of osteophyte formation and the favorite site was the 6th cervical vertebral body.

Key Words: Cervical spine, Radiology


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